From Lana’s Kitchen: Prime Rib for a Crowd

In our family, we don’t have a ton of traditions. But one of them is definitely Thanksgiving and Christmas Hale Ranch Beef prime rib.

Lots of people get nervous around big cuts of roast, worried that they’ll make a mistake and have a houseful of hungry friends and family come dinner time. But in our family, Lana’s prime rib never fails.

Today is your lucky day! We’re sharing Lana’s Prime Rib for a Crowd recipe with you, in hopes that you’ll give it a shot on the long weekend. Whether you’ve got a Hale Ranch Beef prime rib roast in your freezer, or you’re picking one up from a local butcher, rancher, or grocery store, we just want to challenge you to try this recipe out!


If you brave the prime rib roast recipe from Lana’s Kitchen, let us know! Comment below, or take some pictures and post them to Facebook/Instagram but make sure you tag us! Tag @haleranchbeef and #AllHaleBeef, and we may even send you a little something special…


Tayla unboxes a half beef, live!


Ground beef. It’s what’s for dinner.